Weighty Lightness
with Anne Cooper

Saturday, November 23rd

cost: $75


Mirae Rosner & Anne Cooper photographed by Chris Randle

Mirae Rosner & Anne Cooper photographed by Chris Randle

What does ‘lightness’ mean and feel like, in relation to Contact Improvisation? In this form where we can share the weight, momentum, centrifugal force, sensibility and play of/with a partner, how does a quality of lightness apply? How do we apply a quality of lightness? How can this sustain and support us even as we may flow into and pass through moments of 100% support of another’s body mass? In this full day of dancing we’ll explore and deepen our relationship to the sensation of ‘feeling the floor through our partner’s body’ in dancing that can feel full and light. We’ll explore Contact Improvisation from the angles of duet exercises, technique with and without a partner, collective research/ ‘lab-ing’, improvisation scores and open dancing. This workshop is suitable for people with (at a minimum) some basic CI technique and regular practice dancing contact improvisation.

(This workshop is a precursor to Anne’s two-day workshop ‘Offering Levity, Supporting Flight’, planned for February 2020.)

To register e-mail:

Please arrive 15 minutes early the first day to read/sign waiver and make payment (cash or cheque only). Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to slide on a partner or the floor but aren’t too slippery, & no or minimal jewelry. Kneepads are recommended.

Photo: Chris Randle, Dancers: Kelly McInnes & Anne Cooper

Photo: Chris Randle, Dancers: Kelly McInnes & Anne Cooper


Teaching Bio:
Anne Cooper has been a company member of EDAM since 1994, and has also danced with Chick Snipper, Helen Walkley, Mascall Dance and many other companies as well as creating and producing her own work. She has researched and performed in Nancy Stark Smith’s (one of the founders of Contact Improvisation) ‘Glimpse’ projects. She has taught CI since 2001 at EDAM, in Vancouver and other locales. Anne has trained with many CI teachers including Peter Bingham, Jaci Metivier, Nancy Start Smith, Chris Aiken, Andrew Harwood and others as well as some study with Steve Paxton (the instigator of Contact Improvisation/1972, and of Material for the Spine.)